My Journey with the Giants of Science: The Lindau Spirit

The 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting, held in Lindau, Germany, aimed to appreciate and celebrate the scientific achievements of laureates in Physiology and Medicine. For me, this experience went beyond understanding scientific wonders; it revealed the essence of the human spirit. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for young scientists like me to share our inquisitive… Continue reading My Journey with the Giants of Science: The Lindau Spirit

Discovering pieces of a puzzle by review writing.

I started as an early-stage researcher in summer 2021 on producing microstructures for medical diagnostics. My primary goal was to understand the state of the art in disease sensing and detection on microfluidic (low volume, controlled flow) environments. As I read through the boom in the microfluidics space due to manufacturing advances and the urgency… Continue reading Discovering pieces of a puzzle by review writing.